Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Demonizing Coporate America!

"Demonizing Corporate America is EXACTLY WHAT THE SOCIALIST AGENDA is...let's get you all turned against high paid CEO's, let's make you THINK that Corporate America is out to get you. Is there anyone out there that think that Michael Jeffries of Abercrombie & Fitch (company stock is doing very poorly) is really out to get America??? Does anyone ... Read Morethink that CEOs run a company by themselves??? God, Americans are so gullible and easily swayed to believe nearly anything. Should CEOs make $30M? Well, if a COMPANY (Board included) votes on hiring them at $30M, then I guess so. Should Eli Manning, Tom Brady, Donovan McNabb all make their MILLIONS of dollars for 16 games regular season? Should any movie start make $20M for 6 weeks of filming plus revenues off ticket and merchandise sales? Yes. They should. It may seem like too much to you or I. I bet if you were making that kind of money, you'd justify why you are worth it!

We all have the OPPORTUNITY to make whatever we want...you want to be a $30M/yr CEO...work at it. You want to be a multi million dollar sports or hollywood icon...work at it! This is AMERICA...we can work at being anything we want. Be gld you can! Changing our very FOUNDATION to make the playing field a game where regardless of what you strive for...all things are distributed evenly for all...well, that's just not AMERICAN. That is CHANGE we can do WITHOUT. We are promised the OPPORTUNITY to attain what we reach for in America...not promised we all will share in our neighbors hard work once they've gotten there! And, we are CERTAINLY NOT PROMISED that if you aren't motivated to attain what your neighbor does that you can share in what he has attained!!! Competition is the best breeding ground for advancement!

Taxes are how we redistribute wealth in this country. You want to feel rich, pay the government $100M in taxes each year...That will make you feel rich!!!

Remember, the richest 5% of America pay 85% of America's tax base. So, the next time you want to bitch about what this guy makes or that guy makes, realize he may have just paid for your kid's pell grant at college...along with 100 other kids...all on his own, with just the Property Taxes he paid this year. Education of our current capitalistic system, understanding of our current means of redistribution (taxation) and what we are founded upon are what America needs.

We can not just wake up one day and say...our system isn't working. It's working. We have had BIG companies FAIL...and instead of letting them file Chapter 11 and reorganize or close their doors and file Chapter 7, we used our TAX DOLLARS to become stock holders in these failing companies - WITHOUT OUR APPROVAL. That is why the government and socialists want to demonize Corporate America...to justify their taking over their companies...to say - we can't live without them, but we're going to run them better...ANYONE BELIEVE THAT? I have a bridge to sell you!